Agoric Records

PWA_Jekyll Deployed - Indieweb Demo

Published by Infominer on

This post is a demonstration of indieweb blogging.


This is some content. It’s not good content. It’s fine content. I mean, it’ll do. Content ain’t cheap these days. Take what you can get. Wow Bob Wow.

I’ve just deployed dumaurier/pwa_jekyll, using its “Deploy to Netlify” feature.

It has a CMS:

Personally, I prefer configuring the files and folders, directly.. but I will explore that further.

I will document my use of this theme and it’s Indieweb Features, and use this site for information around Agoric, Mark Miller, and Object Capabilities.

In part, I put this together quickly so it would be deployed for Indieweb Summit and have a chance to demonstrate and learn about its function with other remote participants.

Since I have two other indieweb sites, ideally I should figure out about getting them to talk with eachother, and the rest of the indieweb.

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